Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Radiation hair recovery after 5 months.

As I mentioned before, I stopped shaving and let my hair grow out to see what it looks like.

Most of my hair fell out by the end of the 6 weeks of radiation,
See week 6 pics here
 And since then I have been sportn' the Mr. Clean look.  Here is what I look like today:

I think it looks freaky, but people say it looks good (especially Brian at work ;) and shaving blows chunks, so this will be my new look for a while.


  1. You are starting to look like your self-you should be very happy. The radiation oncologist told my husband that there is always a chance the hair will not grow back. My husband's hair is growing also which is a relief because it was very upsetting to him when it was falling out. It sounds like you are tolerating the Temodar better. You are almost at the 6 cycle mark. I wish you well.

  2. I think it looks great! and so do you Ed

  3. Looking at your smile in your recent picture, you are a inspiritation to anyone having a bad day. Your hard work, dedication to your job and family, generousity, and help to anyone that needs it. You are a wonderful man, and I am so lucky to have you as my husband. Knowing what you are going and not even skipping a beat is incrediable. The next thing you have to teach me is how to use the right click spell check. What would I do without you. I LOVE YOU. and i am sorry you have to go thru this BUT I know you will beat this also. xo love holly


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