Monday, March 7, 2011

Week 6 - IMRT Complete mug shots

Here are some shots at the end of 6 weeks treatment before I went to the Mr. Clean Look:

As you can see, the radiation did not miss much. When I asked about the statements indicating that they were going to treat 1/4 of my brain, and why I lost all the hair on the top of my head, the radiation oncologist said that it was the result of pass through. The radiation directed at the top of my right brain was not fully absorbed, and so went through the left side.

Holly buzzed the remaining off, then we tag teamed shaving. Now I am sporting the Mr Clean look, minus the gray eyebrows and earring.


  1. AWESOME! I need to see the Mr. Clean picture!!!!

  2. Actually Ed I thought you were trying to become a monk!! Aud


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