Friday, August 4, 2017

PVC Chemo effects are accumulating each cycle.

This chemo is getting rough. My first cycle (see this) was a breeze, the third cycle a developed a serious rash. Now on the the 5th of 6 cycles, the side effects which were pretty mild at the beginning are getting progressively worse. No more rash, but I felt so terrible yesterday I skipped my dose. My self-preservation instinct kept me from taking those pills. I hope to march on, but am really dreading it. My anxiety is through the roof.

I stopped volunteering at the shelter, I do not have enough energy. In its place, I completed an online certificate course in machine learning. I could only work an hour or so a day, after that I tend to get confused and cannot keep things strait in my head. It is pretty interesting to me that the advanced mathematics I studied in college 20+ years ago is now called 'artificial intelligence'. This technology has existed for decades, and the advancement of computer horsepower has made it possible to predict what you will order at McDonald's using mathematics. I'm such a dork.

Good news is that my last MRI was stable. Interestingly the last surgery's resection cavity has collapsed - now I only have one hole in my brain. The cavity from the first surgery in 2010 has not changed. The dime-sized area that we have been watching closely is stable.

Hope you are having a nice summer.
