Saturday, October 13, 2012

Done with Tramadol, back where I started

After almost a year taking Tramadol for my headaches, I have quit it.
When I first stumbled on this pain killer (post), it was a godsend. After a couple months it stopped being effective, so my doctor said take more. After taking more became ineffective, my doctor said take more.
About two months ago I realized that my headaches were a lot worse at this high dose than before I started and decided to quit. I slowly ramped down my dose to nil and now the only Rx I am taking is Keppra (anti-siezure). Now I am back where I started, the headache is perpetual but not especially painful. This leaves me functional but not very happy- just as I described in the aforementioned post. This experience over the past year has fortified my disdain for pharmaceutical drugs. I need to find a natural solution for this.

Next MRI is in November, I don't expect any bad news.