Thursday, September 30, 2010

Hello - Thanks for caring

Well, I thought I would make this blog to let friends, family, and even strangers know what is going on through this ordeal.

Back in late September, 2010, I started having with a small seizure where I would loose my frame of mind and motor control in the left arm. This happened again in the middle of October. These would only last a couple minutes and I was back in business.

I was never a big fan over going to the doctor, and was blowing these off as not enough sleep, food etc. Then late October into mid November, I noticed that I was loosing basic cognitive capabilities. I was having problems reading my emails, doing basic tasks at work. I would get confused for 15-30 minutes, then go back to normal. When this started happening a couple times a day is when I headed to see my general Doctor (Roman Dreyer)  I told him about the episodes of loss of motor control, and the confusion spells. He said these were serious symptoms and ordered a MRI.