Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Progression continues

Here is a brief summary of the past couple years followed by some recent developments
From June to August in 2018 MRI's revealed a small spot that Grew aggressively Around the motor strip
The symptoms around this time were left side weakness, Vision problems and mild confusion
In September I started avastin and dexadron steroids
TheMRI in October looked promising - 
Open in November I started having breathing and bleeding, abd cramping  problems After 5 Avastin treatments.
Pin MRI in December revealed that the tumor has grown another 15%
In January I started having Vision problems causing me to run into things.

Citing the progression of symptoms while on Avastin, I stopped getting it.

In January  '19, I started the proton therapy and re-started the avastin
Mid January an MRI revealed that the tumor in the vision part of my brain got 'a lot' bigger in a few weeks, and the tumor by the motor strip also progressed.
  the radiation ation oncologist decided to increase the areas of the brain that were being treated to account for the larger tumors.

Sunday, January 6, 2019

Vision loss and proton therapy started

When I reported to my radiation oncologist that I was having big problems running into things on myleft hand side; Like people standing in the supermarket, signs in the middle of an aisle You name it. He did a quick check of my peripheral vision and found that I have pretty much lost the left hand side of my peripheral vision.He then talked me into starting up the aAvastin again It has been 6 weeks since my last infusion and  my mouth and nose finally stopped bleeding.I am not looking forward to Continuing this and suffering the effects of the proton therapy at the same time, but the fight continues.They also put me back on decadron a drug that I definitely do not like.I have had three of the 25 proton treatments. The treatments are not painful at all , it is very uncomfortable being strapped into that machine,andthe morning after I wake up very confused and disorientated. Lastly,I have Lost A lot of the strength in my left hand limbs Similar to what I lost after the surgery in 2016 and eventually regained through physical therapy.