Sunday, April 29, 2012

MRI coming up in mid May

My regularly scheduled (every 3 months) MRI is coming up in two weeks. This one is going to be at the new Hospital at Rush University on a brand new machine. I hope it is not as noisy. MRI machines are very loud.

I'll be interested what they say about the progression. That numbness feeling I get around my left eye has grown up onto my forehead and and sometimes down my cheek to my jaw. The doctor seems to dismiss any change in the MRI's due to a lack of symptoms. Perhaps the doctor will say this is not a symptom if they don't see any progression on the MRI.

Other than the face tingling, I caught the flu for the third time in life a couple of weeks ago. I felt better for a couple'a days, then I have been fighting bad headaches for days on end since. Norco is the only help when the headaches get bad. I've been poppin those a lot lately.  

I think about all the possibilities a lot, but I do not get depressed about it. I have a what ever happens happens attitude about it all.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Unsolicited contact from NO Nurse

My Neuro-Oncology Nurse dropped me a note this week asking how I was doing. This was quite unexpected, I have called their office a 'cancer mill' - I think my doctor has a 100 patients at a time. For someone there to take the time to contact me added a lot of compassion to their otherwise cold and calculated office.

I told her about my frustration trying to get in shape. Strenuous exercise seems to make me sick. She responded that my body is telling me its not ready for that, the brain is a slow healer, and to give it more time. Not what I wanted to hear, but her insightful advise is probably right on. I'll stick with low impact exercise for now.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

2 Months Past Treatment

I have off of chemo for two months now.
During Chemo, I would have to take two days off of work for the last two days of the cycle. I would be so exhausted, my head would hurt constantly, and none of my thoughts were clear. The following weeks would alternate between good and not-so-good.
Off Chemo, I have the similar problems, but a much lower intensity. I no longer have to take time off of work, and am working full time as an Engineer taking on challenging projects. I still have good and not-so-good weeks.  I wake up with a hangover-type headache every day. I still take the Tramadol pain medication daily, which helps a lot.

I have not felt 'great' - as in the moments before my first MRI. I don't know if it was the Chemotherapy Radiation and Psychological issues (CRaP), but daily life is a challenge like a heavy weight on my shoulders. If this ever goes away, it looks to be a long road. 

I have been venturing out of my hole. Went to a couple concerts, a local one and a big arena one.
I feel much more confident in 'dangerous' activities like swimming and biking.
Any big outing requires a day of rest beforehand.

I am still having problems exercising. It seems that I can do easy activities like walking for long periods. As soon as I get my heart pumping I get dizzy, and I get physically ill (fever) the next day. It makes me scared to exercise.

Some strange symptoms I have been having; Numbness feeling around left eye/temple that goes away the moment I touch it. My left eye occasionally has muscle spasms that last for hours. Left arm occasionally feels real week, I feel the need to hold it in a sling position when I walk around. My jaw has some uncontrolled spasms when I am going to sleep. Sleeping is totally different now. I often have the sensation that my body has fallen asleep when my mind is fully awake. When I wake, it does not feel like I slept at all.

This is not as bad as it sounds, none of this holds me down. I trust that if I keep pushing, things will get better. I'm just throwing this out there for other BT buddies to have an example of what to expect post-treatment.

I'm really looking forward to camping in the spring....