Sunday, June 24, 2012

Perpetual Monday Morning

I am sorry that I have not wrote in a while. I am doing well, well but quite boring from the brain tumor facet of my life.

The left side of my face still tingles like I just got slapped when I rest. This has not progressed much since its onset a few months ago. Sleeping is not restful, I wake every day with a hangover feeling like I only slept for an hour or two...that Monday Morning feeling....every day. This sounds depressing, but I keep my head up and a smile on my face.

I am going to see a pain specialist next week to see if I can do something about my chronic headaches. 

I am still working full time, better that 40 hours per week. I have been spending a lot of time with my family, including frequent baseball games watching my Son play. I have also starting practicing more with the garage band I am in. Hoping to squeak in a camping trip too. Keeping busy indeed. 

So I'm still kicking...thanks for reading.