Saturday, October 3, 2015

Doing Great, headaches at bay

I had another MRI last week, all stable. I asked the doctor to extend the visits to 6 months, no deal he wants to keep the two month cycle.

Even better news, the latest headache prescription is holding up. I also think I found another source of my headaches....sugar. I went on a business trip a few weeks back and my headaches pretty much went away. I realized one big difference was that I was not having sweets everyday. I went cold-turkey and haven't felt better in years. No cookies, ice creams, chocolates. First I gave up alcohol,  now sweets, whats next? Say coffee and I'll punch you in the face. I did ask the doctor about sugars and brain tumors. He said there are no definitive studies linking tumor growth and sugar, but its probably a good health decision anyhow.

My son and I went hiking today at Apple Valley State Park Near Galena, IL. It like a 'fun-size' mountain hike he says.
Here I am right before I jumped!