Friday, July 22, 2011

Reason for hope

In my daily googling on brain tumors, I ran across an article about new brain tumor treatments under development. It is good to know that someone is working on this rare disease, most of the funding goes to more popular diseases.

Read more here:
Brain tumor discovery could lead to new treatment

Friday, July 15, 2011

Another Migraine

Last month I had a severe headache that sent me to the doctor, today I had another severe headache but skipped the doctor part. It came on at work, and was so bad I had Holly come pick me up. There was no way I could drive.

I think that both of these episodes were a result of missing a dose of Keppra (Anti-Seizure medication). Both times I missed a dose the day before. It is pretty scary to think that I am that so dependent on Keppra that missing a single dose makes me have a migraine. I do not intend on testing this theory.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

4 Chemo cycles complete

I tried to follow through with MAEB (Move Around and Eat Better) this cycle, and was pretty successful until Friday. I kept my meals small, healthy, and frequent as opposed to the normal starve and gorge. I took walks in the morning and did light chores around the house. This was making feel a little better, well worth the low cost...till early Friday when I was taken over by Chemo Daze. My energy and focus was replaced with exhaustion and confusion. This improved a little on Saturday, and today (Sunday) I actually have the presence of mind and endurance to blog about it.

I did the decadron steroid +/- 1 day with the chemo, and I can say this does help with the headaches, but also induces some anxiety and insomnia. I think I will stick with this recipe next time.

Hair Update:
I cut myself shaving the back of my skull last week giving me a dime-sized scab, making it difficult to continue to shave.  Holly had the idea to let my hair grow out and see what it looks like. I post picks in a couple weeks.

Doctor Confusion Clearing Up:
I blogged a couple weeks ago that I was not content with the description of the successive MRI readings the oncologist was giving me. I continued nagging my oncologist about this and they responded by; sending me the surgery report, the pathology report resulting from the surgery, and the radiologist will be at my next oncologist appointment. One question did get cleared up so far, part of my tumor was removed during surgery.  The surgeon, even in his official reports, says a only a 'biopsy' was taken - no mention of resection. But then I looked at the pathology report where the indicate 'how big' the biopsy sample was. The pathology report indicated the sample was about the size of a golf ball - that does show up on the MRI as a empty spot. Here I was thinking that a 'biopsy' is a smear on a microscope slide. I still need to grill the radiologist about what they were talking about when they said the tumor 'got smaller' from post-surgery to the start of 5/23 Chemo. Seems to me this was a result of the surgery, not the treatment. Hopefully all this will be cleared up at the end of the month Dr. appointment. One last note - that surgery report was hard to read. I contained commentary from the doctor about what he saw when he looked at my brain. His description contained some pretty disturbing adjectives.

i colon left parenthesis lately. Before all this came about, I led a very active life. Summer concerts,  camping, biking, hiking, fixing up the car, woodworking, computer name  a few. Especially the summer concerts - there is nothing like bouncing up and down at a rock concert with a 6 pack under your belt in the hot sun. I am also an accomplished air-guitarist, the other fans surely miss me too. Now I lay in bed with my ipod, muffin headphones and some deep cuts from the bands like Yes. Not exactly lifetime memories producing activity.

I am in the middle of the Chemo forest now, and do not see the light - but I will keep marching.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Fourth Chemo Cycle

I'm in the fourth chemo cycle, 3 days down two to go. The last two days are the worst. In the first three cycles I was basically in bed for the last two days. I know laying around like this makes me feel worse. This cycle I promised myself to Move Around and Eat Better in these last coupe days. MAEB that will make me feel better.