Friday, February 22, 2019

Proton Complete, Just Avastin

Well I finished the proton therapy last week.It was a lot easier to handle then IMRT back in 2010 I think because of The lack of chemotherapy While doing the radiation.

So as it stands today the only therapy I am doing is the Avastin. The plan is to Continue this Until either the MRI shows that there is more progression or I cannot tolerate the Avastin. So far the advanced and side effects have been minor. Some nose bleeding and problems breathing Very similar to What I've experienced in the past.   I need to keep a close eye on my blood pressure It went up a little bit last time and it is one of the major risks of this drug.

One thing that I did not cover in any previous posts was That the radiation oncologist had Told me that the last progression that was seen that took out my vision was probably because of an effect He called " Avastin rebound " that causes tumors to GROW when stopping  Avastin! He badgered me for making the decision stopping it. This was not the first jerkish treatment he gave me and I have since told his office I will not be seeing him anymore.
On top of it when I talk to the Neuro oncologist about this rebound effect, he said the growth could have been from this effect,  but it was far from  a matter of fact. Two doctors, same hospital, two totally different messages. Nice. Next of this is the fact that eventually I am going to have to stop the avastin. Disk leaves a very dark cloud on the horizon When that day comes.  Hopefully the circumstances around the future decision to stop the Avastin are much more serious than the possibility of any possible rebound effect. yeah 'hopefully'. I've had 9 Infusions so far, and the plan is for one every three weeks.

MRI coming early March. This MRI will give us an indication if the proton therapy worked and if the Avastin is working. If we see progression here It indicates that neither worked and the decision to Stop Avastin Will be forthcoming leaving a  lack of any treatment... watch and wait they call it.