Sunday, November 25, 2012

9 Month Post-Treatment MRI Stable

Another 'routine' brain MRI, another stable report. The oncologist says he even looked back to the first MRI's and he sees no change. This makes me feel like these $5000 tests are a waste of time and money.  The doctor checks to see if I have strength in my limbs, that I can hold my hands steady, and looks in my eyes. If I didn't speak, the appointment would take 2 minutes. The doctor continues to insist I go through this every 3 months.

I did report that the tingling on the left side of my face has changed to tiny, unnoticeable muscle spasms. This is pretty irritating,  but no cause for any treatment. On the headache front, not much has changed. I have been too busy to look into natural medications and start yoga. I am supposed to work on things that are important but not due, shame on me. I did find a couple of Tylenol #3's in the couch, they seem to help keep the mild headaches from getting worse.

Happy Holidays,