Thursday, June 19, 2014

Its Back :(

I had my bi-annual MRI check up yesterday and got some bad news. A new tumour has started to form near the site of the old one. The good news is that it is pretty small (think pencil eraser) - so it was caught early. I was very surprised by this news, I have been feeling great, and still do. I did not even bring my notepad to the appointment as I did every other time.

My neuro-oncologist said that I have two options, back on Temodar chemotherapy for 6 months, or do a couple sessions of targeted radiation. His recommendation was the chemo.

I need to make an appointment with the radiation oncologist to talk about the radiation, but I am not too thrilled about that prospect for two reasons. I attribute my ongoing headache problem to the radiation I got for this three years ago. Secondly, with my tumour being 'diffuse' they cannot tell the extents of the new tumour. I have been told many times the the MRI only tells part of the story for diffuse tumours, they spread out undetected microscopically. I am skeptical that they can target a 'small' tumour when they don't know exactly where it is. 

Of course, now that I know its there I can feel it in my head.

I am going to keep my chin up and do what I gotta do to get through this.

1 comment:

  1. Ed! No! This is crazy. Please keep us all in the loop (at least, as much as you want to). I will be sending amazing thoughts your way.


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