Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Some preliminary biopsy results in

I called into Dr. Munoz office yesterday and talked to Robin. She said that the lab still had some tests to run, but the tumor was identified as a 'Grade 2 Astrocytoma' At this point, Dr. Munoz had not reviewed the results, and more testing was to be done, so what exactly this means for me is still unknown. I set up an appointment on Thursday, 12/2, to talk to Dr. Munoz about the results and where we go from here. They also suggested that I talk to an Oncologist (Dr Aiken), so I made an appointment with him too the same day. I also get the staples (stitches) of of my head that day too. Thursday will be a big day.

I continue to feel pretty good, the only problem being headaches which are well controlled with the meds. 


  1. The Hedeen's are praying for a good Thursday!

  2. Got my fingers crossed for you - tomorrow will be a big day.

  3. Wishing you all the best Thursday.

    Greg & Patti

  4. Good luck, Ed. You are very brave in not only facing this medical condition, but talking about it on this blog. I pray you get encouraging news tomorrow.

    Best, Brian Bella

  5. wow! I finally figured out how to post on this thing!!lol Anyway, I never knew you were such an awesome writer? We got your back Ed, and we love you!


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