Monday, October 16, 2017

done with chemo, FOR GOOD

Hello All, 
I had a MRI and Oncologist visit last week. MRI was stable. Blood counts are a little low again, but I an sure they will bounce back. Biggest news is that I am done with Chemo, for good! I have reached the lifetime limit for this nasty treatment. I asked what happens next if I have further problems. Immunotherapy he says. Uncharacteristically, I did not do any research into what this is relating to brain tumors. At this point I am soo done with treatment, I want to take a break from thinking about it.

I am slowly recovering from the chemo. I have lost about 30 pounds in the last 9 months. My appetite and energy are getting better, I finished a sandwich for the first time in 9 months last night and my mid-day naps are down to about 1 hour.

MRI's will be every 3 months, next one in January.

Looking forward to the snow chrunching under my feet :)


Update 10/23
2 weeks after I finished the chemo, my Platelets and WBC plummeted to news lows. Totally unexpected and scary. Dr said to get blood work again in one week. He doesn't seemed too worried.