Tuesday, November 9, 2010

First MRI

So, On Tuesday, 11/9, I stopped at the clinic at 7am on the way to work to get the MRI Dr. Dreyer ordered. Bada bing bada boom, the MRI was done and they asked me to take a seat in the waiting area till the radiologist and take a  look-see. 20 minutes goes by, 30 minutes goes by, 45 minutes goes by. I get up to ask whats going on and they tell me the radiologist wants to talk to me. He pulls me in an office and asks why I was having the MRI done. Bla,Bla Bla I go through the history, he says "OK....well.... there is an anomaly on the scan and you need to go to the emergency room. If you cannot get a ride, I will call an ambulance."

(my jaw drops)

I call Holly, She grabs Izzy (do drive my car back home - Thanks Izzy) and off we go to ER. We did stop at Micky D's for breakfast - I was feeling fine. This was clearly a CYA at the clinic.

The ER doctor was quite an experience. He took the liberty of looking over the MRI and scaring the pants off Holly and I. He apologised that we was not any good at delivering tragic news. WTF!

Finally, after 3 hours sitting there in ER, a PA came down from Neurosurgery and told us to ignore what the ER doctor had told us, come back in the AM to see Dr. Sani and he would advise us.  Very stressful day.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for this blog. God bless and perfect health to you.


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