Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Chemo cycle 6 self-delayed, MRI next month

Holly and I had an appointment with the oncologist on Tuesday. An wait in the waiting room, no answer to two queries as to why we had to wait so long. No apology when we finally did get in.The Cancer mill bites again.

Standard meeting with the doctor. He checks that I have can move all my limbs and a gross check of my field of vision. I passed. Yeah!

I asked if we could delay the start of this cycle for a week. I was looking at the calendar and not only would labor day weekend follow a cycle, but I would be on chemo Christmas day. Delaying this cycle by a week starts this cycle on the Monday of Labor day and the week after Christmas. They were agreeable, and I am excited to see how I feel with an extra week of this cycle.

Then we go to checkout. I needed to make an appointment for the next month and schedule my next MRI. Now we are about an hour away - its nice to have them both on the same day. The scheduler at the chemo mill says sorry, cant do that, has to be on two separate days. I was furious, got up and left. Today I called my nurse and she was able to do it. I wish there was a way to bypass that whole scene.

So unless something drastic happens between now and the end of September, you probably won't hear much out of me.

Have a nice weekend.


  1. The appointment sounds OK and great news that you can delay chemo for a week and hopefully keep Christmas in tact. So your worst effects are when you are taking the drugs and the rest of the time you are kind of OK? Apart from the fatigue of course. Do you have to have blood tests etc before you start each round? Glad that you managed to penetrate the bureaucracy and get your appointments same day.

  2. Katy -
    Yes, outside of the chemo week the only side effects that persist are dry mouth (I take extra care of my teeth) and fatigue. Yes, I also have a blood test (platelet count) before every cycle with no problems to date.

  3. Have you heard of the Mayo Clinic study on ginseng for chemo related fatigue? If you google it you can see they did a study and had fairly good results. My husband just started his 4th cycle of temodar and he seems more tired after the 2nd day then in the past. Going to try giving him 500 mg in the am and 500 mg in afternoon. His oncologist said that we could give it a try - wouldn't hurt. I got the ginseng from the Wisconsin American Ginseng Co. It is the same one that Mayo Clinic used. Will let you know if it helps.

  4. You are welcome at cancer care yoga at RCH whenever it fits your schedule - 5:30pm on if you have questions.


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