Sunday, July 6, 2014

Chemotherapy Round 2 Cycle 1 Complete!

After a struggle with the insurance company, I was able to get my chemotherapy for this month last Friday and started it Sunday night. The cycle went pretty well, I watched my diet and kept my activity level up. This first cycle was at 75% of my normal dose of 420 mg/day. The radiation oncologist at my hospital was on vacation last week, the earliest I could get in is later this week.  My appointment with the neuro-oncologist is in a couple of weeks, and the next MRI is in in late August. That's all the dry facts I have for now.

I think that I am in a state of passive denial about all this. I am holding out hope that the next MRI will show the new tumors are gone. I just don't understand how I can feel great and have this growing inside of me. People in denial don't take any corrective action, I am in denial but doing what the doctors suggest.

1 comment:

  1. I have followed your blog for the past 3 years. I am sorry to hear that your tumor is back. My husband has a grade 3 astrocytoma that is diffuse. He had a grand mal seizure in December and never came back to baseline after it. It left him with aphasia and difficulty walking. From December to April the MRI showed everything to be stable. But in April it showed some enhancement which he never had before but still not enough to cause the amount of difficulty he was having. 2 cycles of temodar did not improve his abilities so he was started on CCNU. Has only had one dose. It is given every 6 weeks and only one dose. We are planning on going to Sloan Kettering and getting a second opinion. I wish you well - keep posting how you are doing.


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