Thursday, January 20, 2011

Two Firsts...

Yesterday I had the first (of 30) IMRT radiation treatments, and my first dose of Chemotherapy.
We showed up for the IMRT appointment 30 mins early, and they called us 45 mins late. That caused a lot of anxiety to build up waiting all that time. Once I got in there, they took about 20 minutes making sure I was lined up properly, then the actual treatment was only 6 minutes. The treatment is painless, and sounds kinda like a Pink Floyd Song. This pattering sound rotates my head around while changing loudness. Kinda sounds like people running around me while strumming on a washboard.   

Emotionally, there was a kind of sinking feeling, or a point of no return. This treatment should help, and might cause more serious problems. Up till that moment, I was facing that prospect. Now I have passed that decision.

The first night of Chemo passed with little fanfare too. Stood there with the pills in front of me for a couple minutes, facing the same feeling. I took them and had an upset stomach that night, but it was also a very stressful day.

A couple of posts ago, I spoke of the mask they made to hold my head in place during radiation. I asked the Nurse to take some they are:

The tape with the marks line up with lasers on the machine to coordinate where my head is with respect to the radiation. My nose is much smaller when viewed in person without the mask.

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