Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Back from FLA - Radiation and Chemo start tomorrow

We got back from FLA today. Very nice time, great food, better weather than Chicago.

Holly and I went to pick up the Chemo pills today, and we kinda got screwed on the copay. The prescription is for 150mg/day, but the pills come in 140mg and 5mg, so they split the prescription into a 140 1x/day and a 5mg 2x/day. Well, that's all fine and dandy until they charged me two copays at $50 each. I cant complain too much, the insurance company has picked up a lot, but I need to see if there is a way around this if I end up on this for the next several months. There is also a problem with the Bactrim prescription (anti-nausea), the insurance company will only allow 10 pills per month, but the prescription is for one every day. The doctor sent a letter of necessity to the insurance company, I need to follow up on this.

The increased Keppra dose has not helped the cognitive seizures. While in FLA, we went out to eat and I had a doosie. I was feeling woozie and had to excuse myself and go outside. I was out there for 5 minutes or so with my head resting on a railing when I looked up and forgot where I was. It only took a couple of seconds to figure out where I was, but OMG, that is a weird feeling. Holly came out and got me about 5 minutes later and I was able to have dinner without any more problems.

That was the only major problem I had last week. Day to day, I just have headaches and exhaustion, but I am able to get around and seem like a normal person. I think the only thing that shows is when I have a very short, very painful headache that Holly and I have been calling 'zingers'. It feels like a fishhook pulling something in my head behind my right eye for 1-2 seconds. This happens 2-3 times a day, and when it does, I wince in pain. My son has seen this happen and becomes very concerned. I'm sure people have seen this in public I just think I am freak.

The radiation appointments are late in the day for now. We will get an earlier slot once one opens up. I'll let you know how it goes...

1 comment:

  1. See if you can mail order the prescriptions from the insurance, should be a 2 month copay for 3 months of drug.
    Deb and Doug


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