Sunday, January 2, 2011

Calm in the storm

I must say that the past two months have been treacherous. Trying to cope with the diagnosis, doctor visits, the holidays, waiting for test results, going back to work, and worst of all, the daily headaches and exhaustion this has brought me. I have not been able to sleep well. When I wake early in the morning, I feel like I have been drinking all night...even though I have had not a drop of alcohol. I can't stand laying there in bed feeling like crap-ola, so I get up and struggle through the day the best I can. Before all this I fully enjoyed waking up early, going to work (and getting paid for doing what I love to do), spending time with the family, sleeping, repeat. Everyday was like a walk in the park on a sunny day. Recently the weather has changed to freezing drizzle blowing in my face while I push through the day. The prospect of having to face this challenge every day for the rest of my life is daunting.

But the last two days have been different. I woke up with a clear head, a sunny day. This on its own is insignificant, but the hope that another sunny day is around the corner is priceless.

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