Saturday, January 8, 2011

Radiation therapy schedule set, looks like I'll be going back on STD

After a nice weekend last week, this week was pretty hard to deal with. I still cannot sleep well, even after the doctor changed my prescription from Ambien CR to Fluvoxamine and Lorazepam. One of the things that gets me confused is that the doctors use easy to understand name brands for drugs when you talk to them, then you pick up the prescriptions from the pharmacy  and you get bottles with these crazy names that a scientist made up. There should be a law on drug names such that a) they have no more than three syllables and b) do contain the letter 'x'. Anyway, the new prescription is not working either. I feel sick and like I need a lot more rest, but my body will stay asleep for very long. The doctor also doubled my anti-seizure medication (Keppra) to 1000mg 2x/day. The radiation oncologist had  suggested that my cognitive lapses were actually small seizures, and were hoping to minimize these with the higher dose.

All of this dealing with prescriptions is another source of anxiety for me. I never liked taking drugs for anything, and usually just let my body fight off any sickness naturally. Out of all the prescriptions I have taken through this ordeal, the only one I can tell is working is the Norco pain killer. The rest make me feel like I am a pawn in the drug industry.

I also had a conversation with my boss about working from home during the treatment. He was more concerned that I have enough rest to recover and suggested that I go back on Short Term Disability (STD). So I will take at least a couple weeks off and see how I feel, then go from there. I have mentioned it before, but I will say it again. I am blessed to work for a company that is so considerate of my situation, and have coworkers who care about you and are willing to help out. Thank you to everyone there.

Next week we are going to FLA, and the treatments start when I get back.

1 comment:

  1. One of my favorite medications is an anti-nausea drug called ondansetron. It totally sounds like a dancing robot.


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