Thursday, January 27, 2011

1 week IMRT/Chemo under my belt, good day/bad day cycle

I have now completed over a week of the IMRT treatment with concurrent Chemotherapy. No serious side effects, I feel pretty good most of the time. As the doctor predicted, the main side effect, exhaustion, comes in cycles. For 2-3 days in row, I move around real slow. Everything seems hazy, and I usually have a headache. I spend most of the day in bed. For the next 2-3 days, my energy returns, and I can actually get things done, like update my blog, straiten out insurance issues, pay bills, etc.

I made a small mistake with my medication. One of the side effects of the Chemo is constipation. When this came on, I took some Dulcolax. My body did not like that at all. I had bad stomach cramps and gas for two days; soo bad, it would keep me up at night. I wrote to my doctor and my sister about this, and my sister pointed out that I was supposed to take Miralax, a much milder medication for this.

I also had the first blood test this week to make sure my body is handling the Chemo OK, the doctor said the results looked OK.

I have been eating OK, and exercising (treadmill) almost every day. No hair loss yet, but my scalp is sensitive to the touch, kinda feels like a dull sunburn.

All in all, so far so good.


  1. Hang in there Ed! Fight the good fight!!!

  2. Sounds like you are handling things as well as can be expected. We are all thinking of you and wishing all of this is working.
    Sue Huston

  3. Eddie, for your family's comfort, pay more attention to your constipation medications please!


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