Monday, December 13, 2010

No results yet, Dr. appointment pushed out till next week.

I contacted the doctor (Dr Aikens) Today, and the genetic testing results on the Biopsy are not in yet, so we made an appointment for next week, Tuesday. This may get pushed out a day or two to give the doctor more time to review the results and discuss with the other doctors. I don't have a problem with giving them time to think about it.

I went back to work last week, and things are going well. I still have my spells where I have a hard time concentrating, but they come and go. Most of the time I am still on the ball and giving my coworkers a hard time. The folks at Westell have been very understanding and flexible during this whole ordeal. I can't thank them enough for all their well wishes and generosity. Issues at work could have been a huge source of problems, but they have been very understanding. Again, thank you to everyone there.

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