Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Dr advised treatment plan - Oral Chemotherapy and Radation Therapy.

Dr Akins called today and provided the following recommended treatment plan:
  • 5 days/week for 6 weeks of radiation therapy (IMRT) combined with a low dose of Temodar (Oral Chemotherapy) taken every day.
  • 1 year of a higher dose of  Temodar  taken at a slower rate 5days/month.
  • A MRI one month after the radiation treatment to make sure there is progress.
Some other notes from our conversation:
  • The 'careful observation' treatment route is not recommended. The tumor is too large and too close to critical parts of the brain to risk non-reversible deterioration of my condition. 
  • The tumor is too large to consider Gamma Knife surgery.
  • There are no guarantees here. This treatment should improve my condition, and may make things worse. Lets hope and pray for the best.
  • I should be able to continue to work throughout the treatment.
We have an appointment with the radiation oncologist (Dr. Diaz) at Rush University tomorrow afternoon to discuss the IMRT.

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