Thursday, December 9, 2010

First day back to denied driving.

I went into work today. It was nice seeing all my friends there, hearing their words of encouragement. We are VERY busy, so there will be a lot to keep my mind off all this.

I have been having a hard time sleeping, this is only adding to my problems concentrating. I woke up at 1 am, tossed and turned till 4, and decided to get out of bed and do some work. I worked for two hours, and started feeling dizzy. I decided to go into work as planned anyhow. By time I got in I was felling better, I was feeling pretty normal the rest of the day.

I heard from the doctor yesterday. They said that even though I passed the eye test, they were not going to approve driving due to the (minor) seizures I had. I think this is kinda silly, but I will err on the side of caution. Chad, my friend from work who gives me a ride, told me this morning that he knows someone who had an unexpected seizure and got into a accident with serious injuries. Seeing my seizures and kinda expected, I will stay in the passenger seat for a while.

We are still waiting on the Biopsy results, should be in next week.

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