Monday, December 27, 2010

Happy Holidays, not much new info

Happy holidays to all.

The doctor did call last week and said that the genetic pathology results are in, but provided no other details. The doctor is not available this week, so we will make an appointment for next week. 

Other than that, I have been doing a lot of research and reading trying to make sense of all this. Not knowing what is in store for me has led to a lot of anxiety and sleepless nights. The whole issues of the 'C' word is a touchy subject. The doctors have not said that I have cancer, but they did point me to 'cancer survivor network' web site ( support. In addition, the treatments they are talking about (chemotherapy, radiation treatment) are commonly used to treat cancer.What ever you want to call it, there is no cure, and I need to figure out how to deal with this for the years to come. One of the blogs I found a reference to the difference between life after cancer and living with cancer. Again, I am not sure cancer is an appropriate description for my condition, but a lot of people use this term to describe it. Here is the link to this article:

The last  couple weeks have been very stressful. Going back to work, the holidays, the late test results. All this on top of trying to understand where my life is leading. Going back to work is a huge step in getting on with my life, and it has been rather difficult. I can perform my duties at work, but it comes with a price. I get exhausted by the end of the day to the point where I just want to stick my head in the ground. I am unsure if this is a side effect of the medication, a symptom of my condition, a result of stress, or some combination of these. The only thing I know is that this is diminishing the quality of life for me and my family. I am trying very hard to understand and overcome this. Reading the blogs of others and talking with people in a similar situation is helping me understand what I will go through and provides inspiration that people can survive.

I hope everyone had a nice Christmas and will have a prosperous new year.


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