Thursday, May 26, 2011

Exhaustion and Tummy ache continue

I am coming up on 3 months since the radiation treatment completed. The doctors say that the exhaustion from the radiation should start diminishing now, but I am still very tired day to day. This is probably because of the ongoing chemotherapy. It is disheartening that the effects of the once a month chemotherapy last more than one month. This basically means I am going to be 'sick' for the next year. I keep telling myself  '2 down, 10 to go'. The next round starts a week from Monday.

p.s. - Check out the new History section to the right. I cant believe I made it through November, 2010.

1 comment:

  1. My husband finished his 1st cycle of 5/23 temodar 8 days ago and he is still fighting the fatigue. When I hear that your 2nd cycle was worst than the first, I dread the 2nd cycle. My husband has no appetite either so he keeps losing weight. Our next step will have to be a nutritionist. I am hoping that the effects of the radiation will lessen also.You have a very upbeat attitude - continue to have that, it will help along the way. There is a 30 year old teacher who could use some friends on his journey to fight an astrocytoma.


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