Saturday, February 5, 2011

IMRT Hair Loss Starts at Week 2

It has been just over 2 weeks of IMRT treatments, and my hair was visibly falling out starting yesterday. I was rinsing my hair in the shower and looked at my hands. There was clumps of hair in my hands. I called Holly to show her, and she handed me a towel to wipe my hands off. Another wipe of my head with my hands, and more clumps.

Here you can see the thinning on the right side of my head, where the tumor is, and where the IMRT radiation beam is directed:

Thinning hair after two weeks IRMT

I asked my sister in law to give me a hair cut to help hide this. By popular demand, she gave me a mohawk:
  This really is not my style, so she shaved it all off:
Never mind the empty bottle of wine in the background.That was 'spilled'
after the cut. BTW, that scar on the left side is not from the surgery; Holly and I got mugged in Nassau several years ago. I took a mag flashlight across the head. Here is a shot of the scar from surgery:
I really was not happy with the final result. I think it made me look like a happy Jared Lee Loughner (AZ Shooter), so I went out and bought a wig:

I will also use this shot on the cover of my bands debut album, tentatively scheduled for release in the year 2038 since my band has a questionable existence and does not have any material to record yet.

In all seriousness, I knew the hair loss was coming and it really does not bother me. Loosing my hair compared to all the other things on the table is small beans.


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