Thursday, February 24, 2011

4 more radiation treatments to go, startring to wonder what lies ahead

Today was the last meeting with the radiation oncologist, this Wednesday is my last treatment. A new intern, Ben, talked to us for a while, it was nice to get another perspective. He said to not expect to see much difference in the post treatment MRI (scheduled for early April), and that the real story will play out over the next year, getting an MRI every 6 weeks or so. He continued that the oncologist will probably do Chemotherapy during that time. Then the chief radiation oncologist walked in. I asked him the same question and got the standard 'possibilities are too many to discuss' talk. A guess this is a nice thing about a teaching have some access to young doctors who talk from the heart rather than a script learned over the years.

I am very excited to have a month off of treatment, I am real curious what my body/mind really feel like.


  1. finally go to make a comment on your blog. Guess the first comment did not go through but we are happy that you are almost done. We pray for you everyday. Love Mom & Dad Wilson

  2. Glad to hear you are nearing the end of this round of treatments. Looking forward to you coming back to work and keeping our fingers crossed that all is going as planned.
    Sue Huston


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