Thursday, February 3, 2011

Exciting, kinda gross bad day

We survived the blizzard. We got a little over 3 feet of snow in the driveway. Holly and I cleared out about 1/2 of the driveway, then the neighbor came over with his king-size snow thrower and finished off the job. The kids had Wednesday and Thursday off school, both days were pretty good as evidence I was shoveling 3' snow drifts.

This morning I had a severe headache and later in the morning vomited with some extenuating circumstances. I woke at about 7 am with a severe headache, it was throbbing with my heartbeat. I took a Norco with my 1000mg morning dose of Keppra.

I made oatmeal and had 2 cups coffee for breakfast (pretty usual), was done eating by 7:30, and my headache was improving.  My Son woke at about 8:30 and sat next to me with his iPad playing games that have fast moving graphics. After 10 minutes or so watching this, I started feeling nausea and stopped watching. I got up to get a glass of water at about 8:30 and felt severe nausea and headed to the bathroom. I vomited once, very quickly...almost liked I coughed up something. I note this because vomiting in the past (usually from drinking too much beer) involved vomiting several times, emptying out my stomach. This was one quick one shot, which was obviously not the entire contents of my stomach. I felt exhausted the rest of the day, with a mild headache.

On the way home from IMRT treatment, at about 4:30, we were driving into the sun (bright light...which is one of the triggers for my seizures), and I again felt nausea to the point where I was preparing to vomit out the car window driving down the expressway. Damn snow, there was nowhere to pull over. I had my hand on the car window switch, but it never came to that. The urge passed within 5 minutes without actually vomiting. I am pretty sure if I was closer to a bathroom I probably would have vomited.

Both cases were accompanied by seizure triggers. Its about 7pm now, I ate dinner, and feel fine other than the dull headache that I have every day. I notified my radiation oncologist, they said to watch for the headache/vomit combination for it is a sign something is going wrong. This is a bit confusing because the nausea/vomiting is an expected side effect of Chemotherapy. 

1 comment:

  1. Just a little note to let you know I was thinking of you. Hang in there and know that I am praying for you

    Julie Thomas


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