Thursday, November 17, 2016

Cracked Blueberry Pie

Holly and I went to the PT evaluation today. We were not impressed. The people there were not familiar with my proprioception condition and by default gave me the run-of-the-mill PT exam. They found weekness in my left arm and leg, and small balance issues. Other than not knowing where my left arm is I am in great shape, much better than all the other clients in the clinic. They suggested that I come in for a few sesions to address the streangth and balance, and they would 'do some homework' on my missing arm.   We are going to seek a second opinion. 

I would like to thank all my family and friends and neighbors for all the help and support these past weeks. I can't begin to express my gratitude, which leads me to Cracked Blueberry Pie. Our longtime neighbor and friend Rose stopped by last night to drop off a few pies, cherry, pumpkin, blueberry. As she is pulling them out of her Car, I am graciously accepting them with my right hand and stacking them on my left arm. Yes, that left arm my brain is ignoring. Gravity won. Luckily, the pies were packaged well and are still edible, just cracked a little.


  1. Ed, It's been a while since I checked this. I'm sorry the tumor is back. I'm praying for you. Brian Bella

  2. Ed - look into Tracy Carlson at CDH. She's a PT that specializes in neurology. If you like her, my referral fee is "two blueberry pies".

  3. Hi Ed. I have landed on your blog after researching inoperable stage 2 diffused Astrocytoma with which my best friend has just been diagnosed. As I typed this I received a text that he had had a seizure last night and was at the ER. I will be reading attentively. Have gone back some to learn about your journey and will eventually read every post. I admire your brave fight and will be praying for you.


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