Wednesday, August 22, 2012

6 Month post-treatment MRI clean

I had an MRI yesterday - Good news - No new growth. Here is the doctor-speak from the radiologist:

IMPRESSION: In comparison to the prior MR study dated 5/15/12 there is
interval mild decrease in size of the small nodule of enhancement along
the anterosuperior wall of the resection cavity in the right parietal
lobe. There is associated mild decrease in the increased cerebral
perfusion demonstrated on the prior MR study dated 2/17/12 in the same
area. No new areas of abnormal enhancement are present.

The 'Resection Cavity' he speaks of is where they took the biopsy from, a relativity small part of the tumour.  I have a question into them about whey they never comment on the much larger (10x) diffuse area. Its kinda weird that they focus on "small nodule of enhancement along the anterosuperior wall of the resection cavity". This area is smaller than a pea compared to the diffuse area that is the size of my fist.

The doctor was not concerned about my advancing tingling in my face. Again, I think he is happy to see me walking around. We decided to stop the Tramadol for the headaches. He is of the opinion that any medication that would help this is going to have undesirable side effects. I told him about the metaphysical things I have been trying (mediation) and surprisingly he said that was a great idea, much better that using medications. He also said acupuncture 'can't hurt' - what do you have to loose?

Lastly, I asked him about the frequency of these appointments and MRI's. To me its pretty obvious that I am doing great and getting a MRI every 3 months seems like a waste of time and money.  He said that the plan is to stick with the quarterly exams for up to 5 years, then go to once a year., assuming my condition does not degrade.  This tells me that my current health has little to do with the probability of further growth, and his concern does not subside till the 5 year mark. Putting the pieces together, Remission starts at 5 years. I am about 2 years past diagnosis and looking good. I can live with that. 


  1. Awesome news. Seems a little bit of Ed + Modern Medicine can deal with anything! Keep up your PMO and ..............GO BEARS!!!!!!


  2. BAHHAAA! GO BEARS!! Good to hear things are not getting any worse which means they can only get better. Give love to Holly and the kids, Deb

  3. It is wonderful to hear this news. I've been checking this blog every few days for an update. This journey has just began for a friend if mine and information is slow in coming. thank you for your honest posts

  4. Fantastic news! Well done!!

  5. It is great to hear that all is going well for you. I read your posts because my husband has the same type of BT. Keep posting - it gives everyone hope

  6. Great news Ed!!!!!

    Mike & Jennifer


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