Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Break'n the Law, Break'n the Law

I had a dream the other night that I had somehow broken the law and the feds were after me. It was just a matter of time before they caught up to me. The evidence was clear, when they caught me I was headed up the river. Can you image living like that? No long term plans. No being seen in public. Not sure of who to trust.

I just watched the movie Goodfellas (mobster life) the other night and all the Blogo stuff on the news. So my mind has plenty of source material, but I think I know how that feels.

Matt - the title goes out to you.


  1. It is April 3,2012, and your bloggers haven't heard from you. Let's get back on the blogging wagon. Love, your wonderful wife. xo

  2. How are you doing? My husband just finished his 11th cycle of temodar and this time he is very fatigued. He hates the thought of taking it again next month. Has your energy increased since being off the temodar? Hope all is well with you.


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