Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Dec 2011 MRI 'Stable', Possibly improved

Appointment with the oncologist went well yesterday. MRI was "stable, possibly better". He took all my self-imposed medication changes in stride. I thought he would be upset and start being (even) shorter with me, but he was like, 'great - i'm glad your feeling better'.

I also asked him about going to a local hospital for the checkups after the chemo is done. He said their machines are much nicer, and local hospitals cannot do the advanced imaging they use. Hummm, he has a point - maybe it is worth the hour drive and $5 parking. Which is better; people that seem like they care, or people that know what their doing?


  1. That is great news about the MRI Ed. If the doc. was OK with your meds why couldnt he have done something to help?? Don't know what to say about future MRI. Even within Barrow each department is precious about their own gear.

  2. Get the imaging done at Rush with nicer machines, then have the files sent to the caring people.

  3. If your MRI's are stable and possibly improved then would they say you are in remission? Remission means the cancer cells have stopped growing and it is stable. Wondering if your NO ever mentioned that to you.


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