Monday, March 7, 2011

Back to work after treatment

Today was my first day back to work after 6 weeks of Chemotherapy and Radiation treatment. Another stressful event. I work with a lot of very bright people and I am afraid that I will not be able to keep up. My boss is sympathetic to this and told me today to take it easy, and ramp up rather then diving into it.

I worked most of the day, and to my delight did not have any 'momentary lapses of reason' like the kind that sent me to the doctor in the first place 5 months ago. I had a couple of intelligent discussions, and was able to solve a problem in our software. I got exhausted by the end of the day and had to leave a little early. I think my body is still recovering and got used to taking naps.


  1. You have an awesome boss, he is right, ramp up instead of diving in, you have been off for a few weeks, so it will take time to get used to working again. Normal and mundane rock!

  2. Glad your back to work Ed. Consider it spring training for all your upcoming Good Weather activities! Take it slow and listen to your body! Matt

  3. Hello Ed,

    I stumbled across your blog while looking up information for my Mother who was diagnosed over a year ago with Gliomatosis grades 2 & 3. Although my mum has her days where she feels like throwing the towel in, she is still battling on and with the help and support of close family and friends we are looking to the future and staying hopeful.

    Take care and God Bless,

    Manchester, England


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