Sunday, July 6, 2014

Chemotherapy Round 2 Cycle 1 Complete!

After a struggle with the insurance company, I was able to get my chemotherapy for this month last Friday and started it Sunday night. The cycle went pretty well, I watched my diet and kept my activity level up. This first cycle was at 75% of my normal dose of 420 mg/day. The radiation oncologist at my hospital was on vacation last week, the earliest I could get in is later this week.  My appointment with the neuro-oncologist is in a couple of weeks, and the next MRI is in in late August. That's all the dry facts I have for now.

I think that I am in a state of passive denial about all this. I am holding out hope that the next MRI will show the new tumors are gone. I just don't understand how I can feel great and have this growing inside of me. People in denial don't take any corrective action, I am in denial but doing what the doctors suggest.